Worship Schedule

Sunday Services

8am Eucharist Rite I 

10:30am Rite II 

Note:  Given that Boosters are available, but sometimes challenging to schedule and obtain, boosters are recommended, encouraged, but not required.  On a similar note, if you have been traveling or in a crowd (like at concert, sporting event, or social gathering), please consider taking a Rapid COVID Test.  Again, given the challenges in obtaining them, rapid tests in these situations are encouraged, but not required.  Please remember that these precautions are for the benefit of others, particularly those with complicated health issues.  
Thank you for your care of others.    -Fr. Greg

Liturgy and the Eucharist

Rite I and Rite II

The traditional language rites are known as Rite I, and the contemporary language rites are known as Rite II.

The Rite I liturgies reflect the language and piety of the Elizabethan era and the first Book of Common Prayer, although the structure of these liturgies also reflects the influence of modern liturgical scholarship.  Music is more limited at the Rite I service.

The Rite II liturgies reflect more fully the influence of the liturgical movement and contemporary theology. Rite II liturgies tend to reflect greater sensitivity for inclusive language issues.  Music is more expanded with the Rite II liturgy and frequently the liturgy for the Eucharist is chanted.

Fellowship time follows both services.