Liturgical Ministries

Sunday worship is central to our life as a parish family. The Eucharist is celebrated twice times each Sunday to nourish us to go out into the world to minister in the name of Christ. There are many ways for you to participate, including:

  • Acolytes: An opportunity to take a direct part in our worship services.
  • Eucharistic Ministers:  assists the priest in administering the sacrament of holy communion, the consecrated bread and wine.
  • Lay readers: Reading the lesson of the day to the congregation.
  • Ushers: Assisting and greeting all that enter St. Andrew’s.
  • Greeters: Greeters welcome newcomers to Sunday worship services and answer questions about our parish.
  • Altar Guild: Caring for the altar and the flowers, candles, vestments, and other symbols of worship.

Call the Parish Office for more information at