Facility Rental

Saint Alban’s is committed to making its facilities available to users and groups whose activities are consistent with the social and moral teachings of the Episcopal Church of the United States and the mission, vision, and values of Saint Alban’s parish. We encourage the use of our facilities for the purpose of educating, informing, and developing individuals and communities subject to our terms of use and payment of such fees as the Vestry may deem necessary for the upkeep and maintenance of such facilities.

The parish reserves the right to restrict or deny use of its facilities for partisan political purposes, political fundraising, campaigns or advocacy for or against any candidate, political party, issue, or elected official. The Vestry directs the rector or priest-in-charge to exercise full and final authority over all decisions regarding appropriate use of its facilities.

Please call the Parish office at 425-778-0371 or email StAbansEdmonds@gmail.com to inquire about availability.